Thornton-Chillleys, UK, November 20, 2018 — This new high-performance PEEK polymer designed by Victrex provides the cryogenic industry with a temperature range comparable to existing polymers such as PCTFE. A wider new sealing solution. At the Valve World Expo (November 27-29), PEEK experts will introduce the new "VICTREX CT 200", which is used for storage and transportation at low temperatures (-150 ° C to -200 ° C). Dynamic sealing products used when waiting for gases.
As the newest member of VICTREX CTTM PEEK polymer, the 200 Series offers better sealing performance over a wider temperature range than materials such as PCTFE. Thanks to its better ductility and superior creep resistance, it excels at both high and low temperatures.
In addition, VICTREX CT polymers exhibit higher dimensional stability and a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than existing materials. These Victrex polymers have higher thermal conductivity, are responsive to temperature changes, and remain in constant contact with the mating end faces. At the same time, laboratory test data shows that it has less torque to operate because it has a static and dynamic coefficient of friction lower than PCTFE. This will reduce wear, improve performance and save costs.
“The VICTREX CT 200 has the outstanding performance of PEEK, including high-strength, highly corrosive chemicals,” explains James Simmonite, Director of Energy Business at Victrex. “Compared with its predecessor, the VICTREX CTTM 100, We have designed this new polymer to have a lower coefficient of friction, all of which make VICTREX CTTM 200 ahead of materials such as PCTFE for low temperature applications such as LNG and nitrogen. This is reflected in applications involving dynamic forces. This is especially true, for example, the seat seal must remain sealed during mechanical movement. The VICTREX CT 200 represents a dynamic development in the industry."