

I. Introduction

Are you still struggling to find the right ideas?

From the sample to the injection, over and over again trying, time-consuming and laborious?

Are you still looking for the best materials?

Have questions about the functionality or price of existing materials?

Want to change materials or supply channels to reduce material costs?


Before you change your product from a creative idea to a factory real product, you still have to go through the process of material selection for the product, which is crucial for the performance of the future product and the reduction of the material cost of the product.

We operate almost all types of plastic materials on the market, the performance of various types of plastic materials, channels have a very deep insight, you can quickly help you solve the difficult problems of various types of material selection, optimization of existing selection programs and to meet the functional requirements of the product Reduce material costs on the premise.

Second, the sky ax material selection program

We have a more in-depth study of the material, and have extensive contact with all walks of life, which provides a reliable guarantee for optimizing your material selection, as long as you have any questions on the material, you can find us.

1, you may be very aware of the product you want to achieve, but hesitant to choose the product. This is because you do not understand the material properties, worry about choosing the wrong material will result in waste, product performance can not be better reflected. We are here to serve you, and we optimize the product based on the material's properties.

2, the selection of products to reduce the overall cost is critical, there may be a variety of materials on the market can help you achieve product functionality, but not that all materials are the same price. We are in this area can provide you with services, help you choose from a wide range of materials for you to meet the product and reasonably priced materials.

3, Heaven ax by a group of professional materials industry technical staff, we have extensive experience in the application of materials, can help you find out the possible defects in the material you have selected, and provide improved solutions.

As long as you have questions in the material, you are welcome to contact us at any time, we help you to solve the puzzle!

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