

We are very happy to help you solving kinds of difficult problems!

You may know that we have industry-leading technology, but technology is a unique service that differentiates us from the competition by solving all kinds of problems. In order to give our customers more potential, we strive to accumulate knowledge of all kinds of materials to meet your changing needs and provide you with a competitive advantage.

In the process of industrial production, you can find us if you have any demand in product design and production, we will give you a very detailed solution and implementation steps in the shortest time, and you can send you The time spent in expanding your market.

Feel free to contact us!

Solve the most difficult problems of your utmost concern

1, corporate cost reduction problem:

Cost reduction is a compelling project for any business, and we can help you find materials that are cheaper but that will highlight your product's performance through our knowledge of materials. Dramatically reduce the cost of your product during production.

And, if you wish, you can also join Sky ax "outsourcing" business, your material procurement items to us, through our understanding of materials and supply channels, we give you to deal with your company's material procurement activities, The same can greatly reduce the cost of materials. To learn more, you can click the "Purchasing Outsourcing" module for more details.

2, optimization of industrial drawings:

Whether you are looking for metal or plastic parts to do something, we can optimize your industrial drawings based on our design differences between metal and plastic parts. In addition, we have extensive experience in material applications to help you identify possible defects in product design.

3, the material selection in complex environment:

Choosing the right material for the product is a sloppy thing. The choice of materials is crucial to the performance that the product will deliver and is an important way for the product to win the market.

Sky ax according to your needs, for you to find the right material, they can be used to deal with complex climatic conditions, high temperature environment, high strength requirements, high wear-resistant needs, etc., they may also be a single material may be more A combination of materials, as long as you have difficult problems, we can help you solve.

Not only that, we can also help you to optimize existing selection programs, identify potential material loopholes, avoid wastage and time-consuming situations.

4, testing and production problems

We can also provide you free material composition analysis and performance testing services to help you accurately grasp the details of the material early in the product development, access to supply channels.

In the production process, we can also provide technical support for some difficult problems such as injection molding, extrusion and assembly that may arise, so as to help you obtain products more quickly and capture the market.

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