
杜邦(DUPONT) 巴斯夫(BASF) 山都平(Santoprene) 雷曼孚斯(LUVOCOM) 索尔维(SOLVAY) 荷兰DSM 朗盛(Lanxess) 瑞士EMS 沙伯基础(SABIC) 科思创(COVESTRO) 拉题(LATI) 美国RTP 威格斯(VICTREX) 跨骏(QUADRANT) 盖尔(GEHR) 恩欣格(ENSINGER) 劳士领(ROCHLING) 东丽(TORAY) 新孚达(NFD)

Torlon® (PAI)

Torlon® PAI (聚酰胺-酰亚胺)兼具热固性聚酰亚胺的特殊性能,以及热塑性塑料可熔融加工的优势。 耐磨牌号在干燥和润滑环境均具有突出的性能。高强度牌号在温度高达 275°C(525°F)的情况下,仍能保持其韧性、高强度和高刚度,使 PAI 成为行业内性能很高的热塑性塑料。它还具有广泛的耐化学性,包括强酸和有机物。

PAI 表现出比大多数先进工程塑料更高的抗压强度和抗冲击性能。高抗蠕变性和很低的线性热膨胀系数(CLTE)带来了出色的尺寸稳定性。


牌号 产品描述及应用 物性表 ROHS MSDS REACH
Torlon® AI-30 LM

Low MDA version of AI-30.

Torlon® AI-10 LM

Low MDA version of AI-10.

Torlon® AI-10

High-temperature adhesion promoter for non-stick coatings.

Torlon® 7130

30% carbon fiber, best stiffness, best retention of stiffness at high temperatures, best fatique resistance, electrically conductive.

Torlon® 5030

30% glass fiber, high stiffness, high strenght, good retention of stiffness at high temperatures, very low creep.

Torlon® 4645

Excellent wear resistance in lubricated environments, contains PTFE and carbon fiber.

Torlon® 4630

Excellent wear resistance in dry environments, contains PTFE and graphite.

Torlon® 4601

Designed for undercut tooling such as deep groove bearings.

Torlon® 4435

Good wear resistance at high velocities and high pressures, contains PTFE and graphite.

Torlon® 4301

General purpose wear-resistance, contains PTFE and graphite.


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