VALOX™ 系列热塑性聚酯树脂是基于聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT)和/或聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)聚合物的半结晶材料。
VALOX™ 树脂配方包括许多性能匹配的等级,旨在提供特定应用的性能特征。 VALOX树脂结合了耐热性和耐化学性,以及优良的电气性能和突出的可加工性和表面外观。
40% GR PBT+PET. High stiffness. Excellent surface aesthetics. Applications include office furniture.
VALOX EH7020HF is a mineral filled PBT/PET that offers good surface appearance, high flow and good heat performance.
15% GR PBT+ PET, excellent surface finish.
VALOX 8032U is a 30% glass fibre reinforced, UV stabilized PBT+PET blend with excellent surface finish.